
Family Focused Recovery’s Groundbreaking Ceremony was an Event that Touched the Lives of All Present

Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana held a Groundbreaking Ceremony for our Family Focused Recovery (FFR) facility soon to be opened in the Summer of 2025. Our Family Focused Recovery program provides outpatient services for pregnant and parenting mothers and their children while they recover from substance use disorder. This program’s new facility will serve as a residential rehabilitation site, where parenting and expecting mothers will be able to receive substance use disorder treatment and live with their children all under one roof. Peer support coaches will help women navigate their recovery journey, and in-house psychiatric support will be provided for…

Adoption FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions What is “openness” in adoption? Openness in adoption means that all parties involved share information and work together to ensure a healthy, positive future for the baby. Openness eases the natural anxieties and fears of the unknown that birth parents, adoptive parents and eventually the child may face. The level of openness varies with each adoption, based on the wishes of the birth parents and the adoptive parents.  With openness in adoption, how does a birth parent participate in the baby’s life? Openness in adoption generally means that birth parents choose the adoptive couple who will raise…

Adoptive Parent Resources

There are more than one million couples in the United States facing infertility, and Volunteers of America works with many of those couples who wish to adopt. Our staff ensures that each adoptive family can meet the physical, emotional and financial needs of the adopted child. International and Domestic Adoption Home Study: We conduct an in-depth home study for families using our agency as well as private (attorney) adoption. A home study can typically be completed within three months. Adoption home studies consist of three interviews, personal references, autobiography information, local and state criminal background clearance, state child abuse clearance,…

Birth Parent Resources

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be a confusing and overwhelming time for many women. Volunteers of America supports a woman’s choice to place her child for adoption or parent her child. We believe to make an informed decision about her pregnancy, a woman needs to fully understand her options. Below are services we provide to birth parents to help them make a well-informed decision. Confidential Counseling: Through counseling, a trained, licensed social worker presents all options available and a woman can explore alternatives and resources to make the best plan for her child. Adoption is recognized as a positive, loving…

High Rates of Incarceration

Louisiana has one of the country’s highest rates of incarceration, with one in every 55 persons behind bars, according to Pew Center research. When parolees are added, the number rises to one in 26. Thousands of local children have an imprisoned parent, and each experiences common vulnerabilities and disruptions. Every child has his or her own story and Mentoring Children of Promise recognizes that although there are common losses, each child must be viewed as unique with their own potential. Volunteers of America teaches mentors, who agree to spend at least two hours a week with their mentees, how to connect…

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